In Love With Health

5 reasons why you should do the bridge

One of my favorite exercises to train my hamstrings and glutes is the bridge. This exercise won’t only get you a nice round but in your bikini and jeans (yes ladies, you asked me for some tips so here they are hihi!), it will also help you during all your workouts.  So nothing but benefits to do the bridge…

Here are five more tips why you should add the bridge to every workout:

  1. Less knee and back pain

When you include the bridge in every workout, your hamstrings and glutes will get stronger. This way your upper leg muscles won’t have to do all the work during your workouts and daily activities.

  1. Improvement of your perfomance

Stronger glutes make it possible to run faster, jump higher and do more explosive movements during your workouts.

  1. Your clothes look better

The stronger your glutes are, the rounder your but looks. That cute dress will look even better on you if you do the bridge more often… Bootylicious!

  1. It strenghtens your core

Besides making your hamstrings and glutes stronger, the bridge is also a good exercise to strenghten your core. You can vary with different ways to do the bridge to train different core muscles.

  1. It improves your posture

The bridge trains so many muscles that it will improve you posture when you’re standing up and sitting down.

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Are you already convinced of the benefits of this amazing exercise? I will give you five different ways to do the bridge that will fire your glutes and hamstrings:

Regular bridge: Lay down on your back and place your feet on the floor (hip width). Your arms are next to your body on the floor. Now lift your hips as high as you can and slowly bring them back down. Repeat this 30 times.

One legged bridge: Lay down on your back with your arms next to your body. Bring your right knee up to your chest and hold this position. Make sure your left foot is placed firmly on the floor with a bended knee. Now lift your hips as high as you can. Make sure you body is in a straight line from your crown to your knee. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds and then slowly bring your hips down. Repeat this exercise 20 times with each leg.

Weighted bridge: Lay down on your back with your feet on the floor (hip width). Place a weight on your hips and hold it in place with your hands. Lift your hips as high as you can, keep tention on your core and glutes. Beware that you back is straight. Hold this for 2-3 seconds and then slowly bring your hips down. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Reverse bridge: Lay down on your back and place your right foot on a box or couch. Bring your left knee to your chest and hold it there the entire exercise. Lift your hips as high as you can and press your right foot onto the box/couch to get higher. Slowly bring down your hips to the floor. Repeat this exercise 10 times with each leg.

Narrow bridge: Lay down on your back, place your feet on the floor and your arms next to your body. Press your knees firmly together during the entire exercise. Lift your hips and keep tention on your glutes. Hold this position for 2-3 seconds. then slowly bring down your hips. Repeat this exercise 20 times.


Are you looking for an effective workout schedule? Take a look at my Slimming Body Guide. Besides four workout schedules of 60 minutes, it includes a nutrition plan, recipes and essential information to get a more fit and toned body. It’s the total package to get your summer proof body! Order the Slimming Body Guide HERE.
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Lisa van Cuijk

Oprichtster van In Love With Health

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