In Love With Health

Successs story of Sarah

Exactly one year ago I decided something had to change regarding my eating pattern and health in general. I ate to many unhealthy snacks, ordered way to many unhealthy meals online and didn’t exercise. I felt unhealthy and always tired. I had my own company and two small children so I couldn’t afford to be tired all the time.

I took a membership at a local gym and I ‘gave’ myself a Personal Trainer for Christmas. I went online to look for healthy and tasty recipes and that’s how I found In Love With Health.

The recipes, but also the presence and message of the website appealed to me. I started preparing the recipes from the website and got even more enthusiastic. Then I decided to purchase the Slimming Body Guide and I started right away. The kilos were gone before I knew it, without any hunger or cravings! And I dropped two sizes!

I have to admit that I haven’t followed the work outs from the Slimming Body Guide. I do weight training for almost a year now (not with a Personal Trainer anymore lol) and I am completely hooked! I am even thinking of entering a bikini fitness competition.

I don’t eat strictly according to the SBG anymore, but 75% of my meals are Lisa’s recipes. Because of my growing muscle mass I need more calories per day, but that’s easy to fix I just double Lisa’s recipes lol.

Do you also want to achieve amazing results such as Sarah? Visit this link for more information.

Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als mij fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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