In Love With Health

Success story of Zoe

I started the Slimming Body Guide because I wasn’t happy with myself for a while already. I was a few kilos too heavy and absolutely not fit. I think I’ve said to myself over a hundred times that it was time to start exercising and eat healthy, but I could never make the switch. I read about nutrition and physical exercise, knew all the superfoods and work-outs by heart but still I couldn’t maintain a healthy lifestyle.

I went to the gym a few times, ate healthy for a few days and then I fell back in my old habits. Until this moment! I was searching the internet looking for a fun and healthy method to create a healthy lifestyle and stumbled on your website! After reading some very inspirational blogs, Success stories and your Facebook page, I knew it: This was it! This was exactly what I was looking for and I knew I was going to nail it this time. Losing weight and getting in shape using fun work-outs and delicious recipes! Happy and enthusiastic I bought the Slimming Body Guide, went through your website and Facebook page and went grocery shopping. I went to Basic Fit that week and registered. This was the start of a great journey which I still fully enjoy every day.

I’m in week 9 of the Slimming Body Guide and when I look back I am very positive about my journey so far. Of course I have had difficult moments and off days where I didn’t feel like going to the gym. On those days I motivated myself by reading the Success stories and blogs on the website. And before I knew it I was outside in my sport gear ready to kick some ass! I have days where I eat cookies, pie, chips or candy and sometimes even a glass of wine but that’s the reason that it’s so easy to maintain. Treating myself every once in a while makes this lifestyle fun and doable. In those 9 weeks I’ve seen my body changing but also my mindset went through an amazing transformation. I feel fit and more energetic than ever and I’m more cheerful! It has been a pleasant and instructive experience. What I’ve also experienced is that exercising and eating healthy can be really addictive! You always hear people talking about it, but it’s actually true! Once you start to see results you get even more motivated to maintain your healthy lifestyle.

What I have achieved so far? Pfoe! I could seriously sum up a whole list! In those 9 weeks I have seen my body changing, I feel much better in my own skin, I am proud of myself and I can’t wait to shine in my bikini and not feel uncomfortable about how I look! In those 9 weeks I not only made physical progress I also learned how to be disciplined and I now know that giving up is simply not an option. Regarding my measurements I’ve achieved the following:

– 4 kilo                                                 (63 kilo to 59 kilo)

– 4 per cent body fat                           (25 per cent to 20.8 per cent)

– 29,5 cm!!                                         (Belly, but, legs, arms and waist line in total)

Lisa I truly want to thank you because your Slimming Body Guide, your website and especially your unstoppable enthusiasm and transformation story helped me in achieving all above mentioned! I was that girl who always wanted a healthy lifestyle but gave up the moment it got hard. And now I am this girl who’s full of motivation, will power and discipline and I have achieved more than I could ever dream off.

Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als mij fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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