In Love With Health

Success story of Sarah

I used to have a lot of problems with my intestinals. I was diagnosed with an inflammatory bowel disease and I had to take medication. Since I follow the Slimming Body Guide my problems have completely disappeared. I can even stop taking my medication! I feel great, I sleep better, I have more energy and I am super happy in my own skin because of my healthy lifestyle!

I don’t think I have every said this to myself, but I can proudly say: I’m in love with my body! And it’s not just me, also people around me who I haven’t seen in a while compliment me about my body. I have achieved this transformation in 12 weeks. And the weirdest part is, is not even that hard. Of course you have to resist some temptations, but it doesn’t feel as a diet, it’s a way of life! That’s the best part! I love the recipes and I enjoy the workouts. So I want to thank you Lisa! I can’t believe how well you helped me in loving my body for the first time in my life.


Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als mij fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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