In Love With Health

Powersnack candy balls

Snacking, who doesn’t love it? I noticed that many of you choose snacks like Liga, Sultana and protein bars. These products are made to believe that they’re healthy, but unfortunately nothing of that is true. They contain a lot of sugar which we all know isn’t healthy. Me too, I like to snack. However, I’d rather not eat products with added sugars or unnatural substances. That’s why I started to look for products that are not only tasty, but also super healthy.

”Powersnack candy balls”, that’s what I call these delicious and healthy little balls made of dates, nuts, pits, coconut and MACA. It’s a real power snack because it’s filled with healthy nutrients, fibres, vitamins and minerals. And why did I add MACA? Well, MACA is a tuberous plant that originates from Peru. First of all, it is a source that stabilises your nervous- and muscular system, and keeps it balanced too. Also, it stimulates the production of hormones in your body. Last but not least, it stimulates your libido (don’t let your man read this;)). Not entirely unimportant, now is it? Yes ladies, this little tough snack-ball does a lot of good to our body!

#slimmingbody: 4 o’clock snack (1 snackball with 1 piece of fruit)








How to prepare:

Add all the ingredients to a foodprocessor and pulse until everything is mixed well. Scoop out the ''dough'' with a tablespoon and use your hands to roll the mixture into small balls. To make the pink coating, mix the grated coconut and rasperries together. Roll the balls in the grated coconut. Enjoy!


  • 200 gr of dates
  • 50 gr of oatmeal
  • 50 gr of pumpkin pits
  • 50 gr of sunflower pits
  • 50 gr of raw cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp of maca powder
  • Grated coconut
  • 2 raspberries
Extras: foodprocessor

Cooking time

10 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

Oprichtster van In Love With Health

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen van hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als ik fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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