In Love With Health

Why I am not a fan of the saying: Strong is the new Skinny

Facebook, Instagram, magazines, you see it everywhere: Strong is the new Skinny. Girls, I really want to let you know that we have to be careful with this saying. When I heard it for the first time, I thought YAY, finally we don’t have to squeeze ourselves in a size 34 to be and feel beautiful and happy. But then I started to think, what exactly does ‘strong’ mean? Does it mean you have to be muscular to meet the New Skinny?

It’s not even that long ago that the trend was: skinny, skinny and even more skinnier. Everyone had to have size 34. At least that was the only thing you read in the magazines. The ideal image was ‘Size 0’. From models to celebrities, everyone was skinny. And we all know that they’re not afraid to use a little Photoshop once in a while (or maybe not once in a while but often..) and that is far beyond fair isn’t it? But okay, that’s a whole other issue.

But jeez girls, what we women all do to meet ideals. And the huge pressure we put on ourselves to achieve these ideals as fast as possible. But then there’s this good news (sort of)…

You don’t have to be skinny anymore.


But I don’t know if I’m so pleased with this… At first it sounds great. We women can be strong now, just like men. Or not? No, we women must be strong now (at least that’s what we think). Suddenly everyone wants to be strong, getting that sixpack and work out six times a week, sometimes even twice a day.

Well I can tell you girls, that isn’t that healthy either. And so before we know it, a new hype has arrived… Women should be strong and muscular. But doesn’t ‘strong’ mean that we have to live healthy, feel happy and be happy? YES IT DOES! The most important thing isn’t that you’re Strong. It’s way more important that you’re proud of the body you have! Life is too short to always say no to those delicious brownies. You know which term I like much better: “Being happy with yourself and have a healthy body is the new skinny”. Who’s with me ladies?

It is so important to feel love for your own body. Do you also want to achieve your healthy body in a responsible and healthy way? Let me help you then with my Slimming Body Guide. Thousands of women have already acheived their goals with my guide. Isn’t that what you want? Shop your Slimming Body Guide here and maybe you are my next Transformation Tuesday babe!

Strong is the new skinny GROOT

Lisa van Cuijk

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