In Love With Health

How to stop eating sugar?

Do you eat too much sugar on a daily basis and want to stop this habbit? You go girl!!! First of all it’s important to know what kind of sugars there are and in what products you can find them. This will make it a lot easier to make healthier choices and to go for products without (refined) sugars.

Refined sugars are the worst kind of sugars there are and you should really try to avoid them. You can find this kind of sugar in cookies, candy, yoghurt, sauces, ready-to-cook meals and a lot more products that come from manufactories. Definitely a no-go! It could be pretty hard to figure out if there are refined sugars in your food because there are many different names for sugar. Glucose, fructose, palm sugar, cane sugar, molasses etc.. all names for that sweet little monster. After eating refined sugar you get a brief energy boost but after that your energy level drops and you feel tired.. Sounds familiar?

Natural sugars are much healthier for you because your body doesn’t burn them as quick as refined sugars and they won’t give you those spikes and drops in your bloodsugar. They also contain a lot more vitamines and minerals. Happy body! You can find natural sugars for example in fruit. But make sure you don’t eat to much of it, because natural sugars are still ‘sugars’. If you eat 2 pieces of fruit a day, you’re good to go. But what if you want to make your healthy baking or oatmeal a bit more sweet? In that case you can use a natural sweetener such as stevia or raw honey.

But the most important question is, how do I get rid of my sugar addiction? Below I will give you some tips that will help you with this.

  1. Make a realistic plan

Make yourself a realistic plan to get rid of you sugar addiction. Can you stop eating sugar at once or do you need to take it step by step? Write down your goals. This makes it easier to stay motivated and to achieve your goals. Believe me, it works!

  1. Change your mindset

Ask yourself how much you want to stop eating sugars. Think of how bad the refined sugars are for your body. Are you convinced? Then start the change!

  1. Start now

Start with checking your kitchen cabins to find products with refined sugar in it and throw them out. Go to the store to get your new healthy groceries. Get unsalted & unburnt nuts, eggs, vegetables  and chicken. Mjam!

  1. Eat clean

Try to eat clean for a few weeks in a row. You will notice a change in your taste and your need of eating sugar will get less and less. For me it really helped!! My Slimming Body method is perfect for this. It will help you to get rid of your sugar addiction AND will give you a healthier, toned and slimmer body!! Yay!!

  1. Exercise

 Sugar can give you a good feeling, so look for something that will give you (almost) the same feeling as sugar does but isn’t as unhealthy for you. When you work out your body makes the hormone endorfin which will give you a happy feeling. So come on.. Put on your sportsshoes and get going!

Do you need some help in achieving a healtier, slimmer and happier body? Check out my Slimming Body Guide and achieve the body you’ve always wanted in a delicious, easy and loving way.

Stop eating sugar GROOT

Lisa van Cuijk

Oprichtster van In Love With Health

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen van hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als ik fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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