In Love With Health

6 products to keep you healthy and slim in wintertime

Have you ever noticed that all summer long you crave fresh salads and fruits such as watermelon. While in winter you feel like having a nice warm hotchpotch or warm apple with cinnamon. I sure do! And you know what, this is not just about bikini season vs warm sweater season. There is also a difference in what your body needs in different times of the year. For example in winter you need other nutrients to support your health than in summer. Vitamin D for example (sun, where are you?!).

When it’s cold outside our bodies could use some extra help. And I want to give you a hand with that! With these 6 delicious products I know for sure that you will get through this season healthy, slim and warm.

  1. Raw cacao

Who wouldn’t love a cup of hot cocoa topped off with whipped cream! Super yummy, but it’s not really good for your body. But what if I tell you that there’s a product that will help you to get through your daily chocolate craving (who’s guilty? Me!) and will make your body happy. I’m talking about raw cacao! Your body will thank you for eating this little brown monster. Raw cacao contains antioxidants and it can enhance your health in general. Say bye bye winter flu! It also has a positive effect on losing weight! And last but not least raw cacao enhances your blood circulation so you will feel less cold, which is great when it’s gets colder outside. These are just a few health benefits but there are many more.

Now you might think ‘how can I use raw cacao in my diet?’. Well I’ve got you covered sweeties. You can use it in muffins, cakes, pies or even in smoothies. But my personal favorite this time of the year is a delicious cup of hot cocoa made of raw cacao. I’m happy to share the recipe with you! Heat up 150 ml of unsweetened almond milk, 1 tablespoon of raw cacao and 1 teaspoon of honey. A healthy cup of hot cocoa, your couch and a comfy blanket.. Perfect combination if you ask me!

  1. Garlic and ginger

When the temperature drops your body has to work extra hard to keep you warm. You could give your body a hand by eating products that warm you up. Garlic and ginger are perfect for this! These little fellows warm your stomach and spleen. Besides that they are super beneficial for your health in general. So from now on you should add garlic to your spices for dinner, you won’t regret it! Fresh ginger is perfect for making delicious tea. Just cut a piece of fresh ginger into slices and soak in hot water for about 10 minutes.

  1. Goji berries

I think everyone knows these little red fellows, also known as superfood. I use them as a snack or in my home made granola, but they are also delicious in tea. Goji berries are a rich source of antioxidants and boost your immune system. These little red goodies also have a calming effect on your mind and can help with losing weight. They are high in fibers which will keep you satisfied for a long time without getting hungry (read: it will be easier to stick to your nutrition plan YAY).

  1. Cinnamon

Did you know cinnamon has been used for centuries to treat conditions such as coughing, nausea or sore throats. Bye bye flu! Cinnamon also helps to control your blood sugar which is great! I use cinnamon on a daily basis. I use it in almost everything I bake, but also in my low fat quark and I even make cinnamon tea! Love it!

  1. Sweet potato

Sweet potato, yummy! It’s not only very delicious and nutritious, it’s also a super versatile veggie (yes that’s right, it’s a veggie). You can use it for something sweet such as these healthy brownies, but you can also make savory dishes such as soup or healthy fries. Besides the fact that sweet potato is super yummy, it’s also beneficial for your health. Sweet potatoes are high in fibers and vitamins and they can help you with losing weight. Happy body. Just as garlic and ginger do, sweet potato warms you up. So this big friend will definitely keep us warm during cold days.

Do you also want to become healthy and slim this winter? Let me help you! I helped thousands of women already in their journey to a healthy and fit body. You can achieve this as well using my Slimming Body Guide. Let’s end the year slim and fit together! Purchase your Slimming Body Guide and join the exclusive community for your daily motivation and inspiration.


Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

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