In Love With Health

Zucchini nacho’s with guacemole

Say yes to zucchini nacho’s! Zucchini is my new friend. I make delicious pasta with this green fellow, but it seems to be perfect for healthy nacho’s too. Yummy as a healthy diner or party snack to share with your friends. Enjoy girls :-).

#slimmingbody: diner



How to prepare

Preheat the oven at 140 degrees.

Thinly slice the zucchini using a mandolin or cheese slicer. The slices should be 2mm. Line up a baking sheet with parchment paper and spread the slices in an even layer. Bake the nacho’s for 40 minutes. Make sure they don’t burn, so keep an eye on them.

Cut the tomatoes and remove pulp. In a hot skillet bake the beef with the tomatoes. You don’t need any oil. Season the meat with pepper, salt and paprika powder.

Cut avocado into half and mix ½ with pepper, salt and lemon juice. Add more spices to taste.

Put the meat on a plate and finish with guacamole and zucchini nacho’s


  • 1,5 zucchini
  • 150 gr lean ground beef
  • 2 tomatoes
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ lemon(juice)
  • Paprika powder
  • Salt and pepper


Cooking time

50 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

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