In Love With Health

Spaghetti bolognese


Before I changed my entire lifestyle I could eat plates full of spaghetti. As a result, I ate way too many calories and ended up feeling bloated. I’m still hooked on Italian food and only thinking about it will make my mouth water … unfortunately it’s not really skinny or healthy as you’ll understand. That’s why I came up with this great skinny alternative so you can enjoy without feeling guilty! These green strings are in fact super healthy and are packed with vitamins, minerals and fiber. In addition, it contains less calories, which is a good thing!

#slimmingbody: diner 





How to prepare:

Cut the zucchini into thin long strips with a julienne slicer, grater, mandolin, spiralizer or just with a cheese slicer. I used the spiralizer. Sprinkle the grated zucchini with salt (this will make the zucchini ‘’sweat’) Now let it rest for 2 hours. Mix the lean ground beef with chopped onions, salt and pepper in a bowl. Make little balls and set aside on a plate. Do your children want whole-wheat spaghetti? Or your husband? Than cook some spaghetti. Heat a frying pan and fry the meatballs until golden brown. Add the tomatoes, basil and oregano to the beef. Heat until the mixture just boils and then allow to simmer until thickened. Serve the meatballs with tomato sauce over the zucchini spaghetti or whole-wheat spaghetti. Top with some chopped basil.

Ingredients (4 portions)

  • 800 g. fresh canned tomatoes (pay attention on food labels. You only want to go for 100% tomatoes, no added salt or sugar)
  • 1 large can of tomato paste
  • 2 onions
  • 500 grams lean ground beef
  • Fresh basil (more is better)
  • Using zucchini as spaghetti? Take half of a zucchini per person
  • Whole-wheat spaghetti. 100 grams per person
  • Salt (Himalaya salt), pepper and oregano

Cooking time

30 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

Oprichtster van In Love With Health

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen van hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als ik fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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