In Love With Health

Pumpkin pancakes

It’s friday piaday again girls! And Halloween is just around the corner and I couldn’t let that pass by without a delicious recipe. When I think of Halloween I think of PUMPKIN. Did you know pumpkin is part of the same family as cucumber and melon? It has a taste you have to love, so sweet and delicious! But what I like most about this fruit (yes it’s in fact a fruit and not a veggie) is that it’s so versatile. You can make pumpkinsoup, use it in a salad or make a great risotto with this fellow. But did you also know it’s great in pancakes?! Pumpkin is full of fibers and beta-carotene which is good for your eyes and gives you that glowing skin. Besides that it’s very low in calories.

Let’s bake pancakes and watch horror movies together! (okat I skip the movie lol read: too scared)

#slimmingbody: morning snack

pompoenpannenkoek groot1

pompenpannenkoek groot2

How to prepare:

Cut the pumpkin into pieces and cook for about 15 minutes untill the pieces become soft. You can also use pre-cut pumpkin. Mash the pumpkin with a mixer, fork or blender. Add the banana and the egg and mixed spice. Also add the flour and mix until it becomes a batter.
Heat some coconut oil in a skillet and bake your pancakes goldenbrown on both sides. I used a round form to make my pancakes perfectly round but you could also do it without.


  • 150 gr of pumpkin
  • 50 gr of buckwheat flour
  • ½ banana
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp mixed spice

Cooking time

30 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

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