In Love With Health

Healthy Poffertjes

This is such a delicious typical Dutch treat! These are small little versions of pancakes, as we dutchies call it: poffertjes! (pronounced poffertyehs) Ohhh, how do I love to treat myself to these!!!

The best part about it is that you can use anything you like to make your very own favorite topping. We left the syrup, jam, icing sugar and nutella (unfortunately) behind, but instead made a delicious and healthy variant of it. I chose to top these cute little pancakes off with blueberries and pomegranate, absolutely yummy! Pomegranate is super healthy and full of potassium, vitamin C and polyphenols. This is a powerful antioxidant, which is also found in green tea and red wine. So be generous when using these as your topping! ?  And as usual, this great dish is gluten-free, sugar-free and dairy-free. I love this!

#slimmingbody: morning snack


How to prepare:

Whisk the eggs together with the almond milk in a large bowl (you can also mix this in a blender or a hand mixer) Mix all the dry ingredients (buckwheat flour, almond flour and baking powder) in another bowl Add the dry ingredients to the egg mixture and mix well. Add the honey (optional). Grease the ‘poffertjespan’ with some coconut oil. Putt the mixture into the pan and bake on both sides till golden brown. For the topping: heat the fruit in a saucepan until you get a nice sauce. Add the sauce to the poffertjes on your plate.

Ingredients (2 portions)

  • 4 tbsp of buckwheat flour
  • 2 tbsp of almond flour
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ tsp baking powder
  • 100 ml almond milk
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Blueberries
  • Pomegranate
Extra supplies: ‘poffertjespan’. But you can also make smaller dibs on a normal frying pan and create mini pancakes!

Cooking time

15 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

Het is mijn doel om met In love with health mensen te inspireren en helpen met het behalen hun gewenste doelen en dromen! Wil je net als mij fitter worden en een positief gevoel hebben? Wil je wat kilo’s kwijt of gewoon wat strakker worden? Wil jij eindelijk weer zelfverzekerd en gelukkig zijn? Stop dan met al die nare diëten en shakes en verander ook jouw lifestyle.

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