In Love With Health


Thanks Susan (@susanhendriks_) for this delicious recipe. This sweetheart requested a cannelloni recipe without cheese and pasta in a post from last week I came up with this healthy version of cannelloni. Hopefully you can enjoy this delicious dish very soon Susan!

Do you also have a delicious In Love With Health proof recipe? Or would you like to have a healthy version of your favorite recipe or guilty pleasure? Leave a comment below! Maybe your recipe will be up here next week! To be featured put your name and Instagram/Facebook account in the comment as well. This will make us one big healthy community :D.

#slimmingbody: protein diner

cannelloni groot1

cannelloni groot2

How to prepare:

Heat a bit coconut oil in a skillet, Chop the onion and bake with the garlic. Add the chicken mince and bake till it’s goldenbrown. Heat another skillet. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and add together with the canned tomatoes to the skillet. Let it rest for a while till it becomes a sauce. Add the tomato paste. And add peper, salt and fresh basil to taste. Cook the white cabbage leafes for about 4/5 minutes until the leafes become soft. Put one leaf of cabbage on a plate and put 1 to 2 tbsp of chicken mince in. Fold the sides of the cabbage and roll up. Repeat this with the other 9 leafes. Place the leafes on a plate and pour the tomato sauce on top. And ready is your canneloni!

Ingredients (2 portions)

  • 10 leafes of white cabbage
  • 400 gr of canned fresh tomatoes (100 % tomatoes)
  • 2 tomatoes
  • 50 gr tomato paste
  • 1 big onion
  • 1 glove of garlic
  • 300 gr of chicken mince (optional: lean ground beef or tartare)
  • fresh basil
  • Peper and salt

Cooking time

30 minutes

Lisa van Cuijk

Your personal coach

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